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Taitung County Taitung County
Tiehua Music Village, remodeled from an old warehouse and dorm of Taiwan Railway, is now the bastion of exchange activities for musicians, artists and craftsmen devoted to promoting the creative industries. “Tiehua is where Music Happens!” This powerful declaration is what the artisans in Tiehua aspire after. Mr. Cheng Jieren, serving as the director of the project, is a committed advocate who wants to see the seed of music being planted in the Village, that music becomes the air the locals brea
Taitung County Taitung County
Chenggong Town was formerly known as "Ma Lao Lou She". In 1921, the Japanese changed to "Xingang" and after the war it was changed to " Chenggong ". There are different opinions about the origin of the name Ma Lao Lou, but until the end of the Qing Dynasty, this place was still where the Ami people settled and cultivated. The Kylin culture of 3,500 years ago is the most unearthed cultural relics in Chenggong Town, such as stone walls, rock coffins, stone axes, and mao. It can be known that the o
Hualien County Hualien
Hualien is Taiwan's biggest county with an area of about 4,628 square kilometers and a population of 350,000. The county borders the Pacific Ocean to the east and is hemmed in by the Central Range to the west. With its towering peaks, azure skies, vast seas, scenic valleys, cultural diversity, and friendly kindhearted people, Hualien has become one of Taiwan's first-choice travel destinations for local and international visitors alike. With all of its natural beauty, most of Hualien is a nationa